Twitter – How to be social with out killing yourself!

So in yesterday blog post was a simple thank you to all your wonderful souls out there, simply sharing my journey and the chaos of that journey.

Or one could say the  Randomness of the journey,  oh lets try this, oh lets try that, oh but I don’t want to spend money.  It is a 30 day free trial – that means I have to remember to pay or cancel in 30 days time, no biggie just be a calendar reminder on the phone really no big.   Oh oh oh –  please don’t get me wrong – LOVING THE JOURNEY!!

Anyway,   this is not my official post of the day, but it is something I tried before but couldn’t get to work.  Not because it is difficult, it is because I approached it when I was trying too many other things out and just max’d myself out.   In fact, now that I have done it- it is so easy.  One put one’s hands over one’s face and say – Oh Bella – really – you gave in to quickly and didn’t read google or the tips themselves.   YOU MUST BE ABLE TO LAUGH at YOURSELF and let others laugh at you  – make someones day at my foolishness (hey-  I  am real – and   can be a bit – silly sometimes ).

So my friends,  The world of Twitter made easy – (well I hope so)

Product :    TWEETDECK    I personally use it on my laptop because I think you need a big screen , a mobile is a bit to small.   Well, I have only tried on my laptop.

CostFREE – I think it is part of twitter so it’s free.

What does it do :   Manage/ schedule  your tweets all day long.  You can see tweets, messages, notifications , activities and what you have scheduled.

How to schedule :  Well it is easy – but  hey I got stuck.    But, it worked today – Yeah.  Use this guide I found on google: –

So, my fellow bloggers, tweeters  have fun scheduling away and being a boss that is actually in control and not sinking.  SMILE!!

I am so happy today.  And I am sharing the happiness with all you lovely folks.  Have a good day.

Advance apologies I will be posting another post later today (I hope) that is actually related to my blog page.   Because this post is blogging technical stuff- useful technical stuff and can of course impact our thoughts and our mood cause now we know how to make our life simple- Yeah.

Thanks for stopping by.  Please like, subscribe, comment or Share.

2016 Thoughtsnlifeblog

Disclaimer:    All the products and how to’s are all FREELY available on the web and I have found them by Googling.   This is not a paid for post.   In my blog in general there are some affiliated links associated to some blog post and my books page.



Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

30 thoughts on “Twitter – How to be social with out killing yourself!

  1. Great share. I am thinking about Tweetdeck, the only downside I can see from it though is that with scheduling tweets you can’t take advantage of the hashtags trending on the left side, but I can see it being useful for generic standard things though!

    – James

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey James, Thanks for the comment. Looks like you know more than me on twitter. Like I said, I am so new to social media. I even forget to hashtag instagram. So what is hashtag trending on twitter – could you explain a little more, because honestly I am clueless. Clearly, you get this stuff better that me, would be good you can share, so others reading and I can benefit.

      I don’t totally get hashtags – but I can see when i forget to hashtag my instagram and when I go back and hashtag the difference it makes.

      Look forward to you response – eagerly.
      Thanks in advance

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So when you log into Twitter, to the left hand side of all the latest tweets of people you follow there is a trends section, which collects the most commonly used words – usually marked by the hashtag (#). When I log in, I will look at these first and see if there is anything relevant. Because it is currently trending there is the added advantage more people will see it, but also the disadvantage it will get lost because so many people are using that word or hashtag.

        I have had two other twitter accounts before, but never quite ‘got it’. I think with this being the third time I have learnt from past mistakes (hopefully!). I think regardless of experience we can learn a lot from each other 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. So James, You are the expert in comparison to me. It would be really lovely if you could share your learning after the 3rd time. I am a believer of 3rd time lucky. Wish you all the success in the world. I will keep on my doing my random twitter thing. I don’t think I will always be able to match all my contents to trending themes, and I don’t think I would be able to enjoy my blog that way – it is not natural , it is staged and I don’t think I could write like that. Hey ho that is me.

        Let us know how you get along.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Will do! I think it is good to have # hashtags that are not necessarily trending but have an engaged audience, so I like self-improvement so often I use #selfimprovement and get interest from that.
        And agree – it is not natural, quite often you see the businesses trying to get in on the trending hashtags but it looks so fake!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay!! Happy day! And thanks for the heads up with scheduling in Tweetdeck! This means I can just put all my random thoughts up on a random schedule and just totally have them randomly tweet without a thought. PERFECT.

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