Benefit In Everything

Too often we are faced with something difficult to do.  We feel Oh Why me,  I don’t want to do it, I can’t do it.  But, still we have to do it as we have no choice as it from the boss or something a long those lines.

So, instead of wasting energy on putting it off, and feeling why do I have to do it.

Try to embrace it. Try to see that there is an opportunity for growth and learning here.  Try to see that this keeps coming to me, because the universe wants me to grow, even though I want to avoid it. It seems clear I want to avoid it but the universe knows I need to do this and it is good for me.  Okay caveat here – this assume the task is a good task both ethically and morally and on the right side of karma!

Learn to see that there is BENEFIT in this for me.   Be light.  Go with the flow.  Don’t sweat it.  Don’t worry if it goes wrong.  Just do it.  And take it as a learning curve point, as an experience, as something you can take strenght from.  Embrace it.  Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Make it a mantra  ” There is benefit in this for me”. “There is Benefit in Everything”


© 2018 all rights reserved.

Images:, google, instagram or created by myself using or mspaint

Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

29 thoughts on “Benefit In Everything

  1. You are so right.
    In my journey as I go round the nation teaching personal leadership in life and business √ I usually tell my audience that opportunities for prosperity are always wrapped up in the costume of adversity.
    Thank you for sharing√ Thoughtsn Life blog

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