Quote for Today

Whilst I continue on my blogging break read here for more details; I thought I would share a quote or three.  Be sure to follow me on Instagram whilst I take my break.


What we think, is what we share. What we are influenced by is what we think. What we read, watch, the company we keep all of influences us, therefore impacts what we think, therefore impacts what we do. Everything we do is a seed sow that will be reaped later. Beware of what influences you for that is what you become. But, remember you can always change what influences you, your direction. You can make a better life for yourself if you just take the courage to change and be good. Don’t fit into the crowd, shine like the diamond you are, be an ambassador for good and kindness and selflessness in the world and shine shine shine so bright and demonstrate what it is to be a good person, a good human being, a good resident of earth and humanity…  copyright http://www.thoughtsnlifeblog.com

Images createdby myself,  quotes are by others as stated on image.  And a few words are copyrighted to myself.

Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about thoughtsnlifeblog.com

16 thoughts on “Quote for Today

  1. Hello Bella, a beautiful collection of quotes and your thoughts on the topic of choosing our thoughts and actions. Very powerful words indeed. Thank you 💐

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Bella, no, we just had a couple of trips back this year for the family events. We are in London again and plan to be for most of next year…🙋🏻

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