Three Easy Productivity Tips

We all struggle with achieving small or large tasks or goals for many reasons.

The main culprits generally are,

  1. we are reluctant to do it,
  2. we are unmotivated,
  3. we are being lazy/procrastinating
  4. Or we have too many tasks/goals to juggle.

Whatever the reason (s) are that stop us from being productive, the simple answer is to  β€˜Just Do It’  as Nike says.  By just biting the bullet and getting on with the task we create motivation.

3 Easy Productivity Tips

Today, I share 3 tips that I use in my Work and Personal life and that have worked for me.  I hope that these help you also.

  1. Divide the High-level Task/Goal into smaller chucks of work/steps
  2. Further divide the work/step into smaller steps where possible.
  3. Time block/Time Keeping: Take action on the smaller task (baby step) defined in either point one or two above, by using 15 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes chucks of time.  Knowing at the end of the time limit you have to drop that task like a hot potatoe.

Did you know when we procrastinate or avoid doing something, we create a burden on ourselves, and we lose our peace of mind,  By breaking our tasks into small baby steps and working on them against a  timer, we alleviate the burden and pressure and reclaim peace of mind.

Example of the 3 tips in action.

1.   Divide the High-level Task/Goal into smaller chucks of work/steps

For example:-  Goal – Create a Blog

These are some of the steps to help me achieve this goal:-

  1. Research a Name
  2. What platform will I use to create my Blog (,, wix, go daddy etc)
  3. What are my topics /niche
  4. What is your blog schedule?
  5. Where are you going to get your images from?
  6. Social Media
  7. Email for blog
  8. Legal aspects of blogging – local and global rules to follow
  9. Copyrighting of my work and others – what is involved.
  10. How much time am I going to spend?
  11. How much money am I going to spend?
  12. What is my niche.
  13. What is my about page?
  14. etc…

2. Further divide the work/step into smaller steps where possible.

For Example – Let us break down into step 6 – Social Media

  1. Question where do I want to socialize by blog post?
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
  2. Will I set them up all in one go or one by one? Will I use them immediately, or only just start with twitter?
  • Research if my blogging platform allows a direct publish to my social media? Or do I have to do it manually? What free social media publishing tools are out there? Am I prepared to pay now or later for a social media publishing tool?

3. Time block/Time Keeping:  Take action on the smaller task (baby step) defined in either point one or two above, by using 15 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes chuck of time.  Knowing at the end of the time limit you have to drop that task like a hot potatoe.

Every day or every night create a priority of tasks you want to complete in the day/or next day.  Remember that some task are non-negotiables and have to be done.  For example:- Most of us are not full time bloggers therefore, we can only do a little baby step daily if possible to chip away at our blog to achieve our blogging goals.

How to use this tip – For Example

Using the timer on my phone I spend 15 minutes setting up a twitter account.  Once the 15 minutes is completed, I mark that task off my list, and drop it like a β€˜hot potatoes’ and move onto the next task – which might be preparing dinner, or gardening or ironing.

Parting Thought

Did you know when we procrastinate, or avoid doing something we create a burden on us, and we lose our peace of mind,  By breaking our tasks in to small baby steps and working on them against a  timer, we alleviate the burden and pressure and reclaim peace of mind.

When we set a small time frame to complete a specific baby step (of a larger goal/task), against a timer, we will be more effective and efficient, because we know that we don’t have any time to waste and that at the end of that 15 minutes, or 20 minutes or 30 minutes we stop that task and move on to another.

We feel satisfied that we have completed a task towards our bigger goal and we know that steadily we will realise the goal much faster by following these steps.  We also develop motivation and feel peaceful.

I use this method in my work and personal life.  I use this when I garden , clean or Iron, this way I chip away at the big task in smaller chucks and I am able to achieve other tasks too not just get stuck on one task.

Certain tasks like cooking dinner is not something that we can complete in 15 or 30 minutes, but we can prepare the veggies etc in 20 mins, washing up, cook etc as step by step process.

This is a useful process when studying or having to read a report.  The timer tool is really effective and rewarding.

I hope you found this post useful and easy.  We just need β€œ Just Do It” as Nike’s slogan goes.

By breaking the steps into smaller tasks and doing them for a short period of time, we get motivated and we are efficient. We don’t waste time nor do we feel like we lost track of time, or the feeling of where did the time go.   We are able to progress to the end goal, task whatever it is with Peace and Satisfaction and no burden of procrastination.

When we are highly productive we will have peace of mind and clarity- or rather this behaviour/habit of ours will contribute to peace of mind, happiness and clarity.

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Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

23 thoughts on “Three Easy Productivity Tips

  1. Your post is super helpful and thorough as always, and great collection of quotes too. Until I learned this strategy of breaking goals into smaller tasks and assigning time to them in the week, I really struggled with feeling overwhelmed and stuck with the big tasks at hand.

    Liked by 2 people

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