Weekend Motivation – Reset Your MindSET and Make Your Own Luck

Hi Friends,

I love weekends – who doesn’t! I love getting motivated and driven for the weekend. So I am sharing my motivation for this weekend.

Evan Carmichael – From Youtube, creates fantastic videos that help inspire me into action. I have selected this one about “Resetting Your MindSet Tips from – Mel Robbins. Apologies there are some *** words.

The advice give by Mel is so practical, and it is obvious that they come from her learning the hard way.

Do let me know in the comments what tips struck you. I like all of them – of course. But, If I have to choose a few then I pick, brick by brink, looking for a message in the mess and the 90 second rule!

I hope you enjoy this weekend motivation video, and it inspires you get your life on track “brick by brick”

Weekend Motivation – Reset Your MindSET and Make Your Own Luck

Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about thoughtsnlifeblog.com

19 thoughts on “Weekend Motivation – Reset Your MindSET and Make Your Own Luck

  1. Weekends are the perfect time to rest, relax, and most importantly, reset.
    Wirth the proper motivation one can get oneself on track to tackle . the goals
    wish to achieve (long term and short term). The weekends are a great place
    to plan and begin.

    Thanks for the motivation. Good post.
    Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

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