Quotes on Hope

Hope is a light that can be reignited many a time. We may side track, we may forget, but we always return to hope. For the sun will shine eventually. And a smile will return. Just as daffodils return each spring, so will I. Hope is a light that can be reignited many a time.



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Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about thoughtsnlifeblog.com

28 thoughts on “Quotes on Hope

  1. I think Anne Frank’s quotes are very thought-provoking when we consider them in light of what we know would shortly happen to her. What does hope mean for us when we know that things might not work out? I know this means that it can’t be magical thinking. Perhaps we hope for better for those even beyond ourselves.

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    1. Very profound comment. Hope for the best for all. Hope we have the strength to face. Never lose hope even in the hopeless situation. I think Viktor E Frankl in his book Mans search for meaning speaks if hope and the concentration camps. It was hope that helped and endured. And those that survived, survived with hope. It is a very interesting read. I think hope is an inner strength that keeps us going even when it seems futile.

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