Happiness – A Poem, A Thought, A Dance Of Life.

Happiness is to…

Accept life, the good and the bad.

To glide across the pond like a swan, with grace and elegance.

Content, simple and whole.

Water off a duck’s back.

Navigating the hurdles of life, undamaged, remaining sweet, whole, easy and light.










Happiness is a frame of mind.

Happiness is a daily choice, a daily act.

It is a promise to myself that no matter the praise, insult or defamation received, my happiness and my peace will remain whole.

Not only will it be whole, but it will also bloom.

As a master of my life, I am happy in all I do and my responses to life situations.

I glide elegantly through the storms like a warm, comforting breeze.

I am whole. I am at peace.

I am happy.

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This post was published on Medium.com on 21st Jan 2023

Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about thoughtsnlifeblog.com

14 thoughts on “Happiness – A Poem, A Thought, A Dance Of Life.

  1. “Happiness is a frame of mind. Happiness is a daily choice, a daily act” , loved these lines and can’t agree more. I too have expressed my views on real happiness in my blog-https://digurself.wordpress.com/2020/05/05/self-love-and-real-happiness/ . Kindly drop by and share your valuable remarks

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