Be Your Own Rock.

Be your own rock.

Be your own shoulder to cry on.

Life has taught me this lesson, time and time again.

And I am grateful to myself that I embraced this lesson fairly young.

Though the lessons vary, my inner strength may vary too.

But one thing is for sure, God is always with me. I Keep my hand in his. Guiding me, stepping in, sharing his word, my gut hearing it on most occasions.

I believe there is benefit in everything. This mindset is the single biggest lesson in my life. It has allowed me to trust, and to be patient.

The other lesson, being I can handle most things. Sure people will say, you should have done it xyz way. And oh boy they do.

I no longer care, cause life gives you lessons, you get experienced, and you learn no two stories are the same, no two personalities are the same. Only you know what is right for you and your family. And the three monkeys Principles need to be applied quick smart when it comes to others opinions.

The point is. Be experienced, become wise, and be your own rock, not because life makes you; but because you decided to be strong, independent and interdependent, but never dependent. Because you say to yourself. To yourself you say, this us how I am going to be. You forget along the way. And life will remind you again!

I can’t say it enough. Be your own rock. Not hard and bitter. But soft and lovely. But strong and kind. Strong and humble. Strong and gentle.

Be your own Rock I say!

Because, then you know you, you know your strength, no matter what they say, how they judge. But you know, and there is no need to prove to anyone. Just be you. Humble and strong. Kind and strong. Honest and strong. Truthful and strong. Be strong!.

There is nothing like knowing your inner strength- quiet, invisible to the point others think you weak. But, you are a lion, walking your path independently.

Be your own rock, you will thank yourself for making that decision in years to come, and test papers to come.

Copyright ©️ 2021

Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

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