Blogging – WordPress- How to Republishing Blog Posts. Clarification on Reblog, WordPress-it, Reschedule.

Blogging – WordPress- How to Republishing Blog Posts. Clarification on Reblog, WordPress-it, Reschedule.

Dear Friends,

Today, I thought I would do something different to the normal shares that I do on

Blogging is hard work, as most blogger know.

It is not easy to come up with blog post to write and share with your readers.

And when you started as blogger no-one knew you and your blog posts didn’t get read by that many readers.

And as you grew and wrote more blog posts, those earlier posts that were pretty good are lost in the archives of your blog, never to see the light of day.

Well,  they can see the light of day when you REPUBLISH them.  

So this blog post is my best attempt to explain three methods of republishing and their pros and cons.

Disclaimer ** aka important note **

I am NOT AN EXPERT on WORDPRESS.COM or blogging.  I have only been blogging on WORDPRESS.COM since 2016 March.   However, I have learnt a few things just by trying my luck and I thought my fellow bloggers might like to know too?

There is a slim chance (or rather a large chance) that I am NOT using the right terminology in some places, therefore those who are more knowledgeable than myself please could I request you to correct\clarify anything in the comments below so that all other bloggers can benefit from your wisdom- Thanks in advance.

Actually, WORDPRESS.COM have a lot of help on these topics and more,  if you want to find out more detail, you click  here .


So, let us get on with it.   Again, I am only sharing what I have learnt, observed, and  experienced with these three options.

So !  Why would you want to Republish a post? 

  1. You like another bloggers post and you want to share it on your blog. All bloggers like their worked to be shared, and if we want to reblog anothers work it is good manners to ask them before you reblog.
  2. You want to reshare some of your own old post(s).
  3. You need to post something and you haven’t had time to write something!
  4. You are having a break but still want to be active as a blogger.

What is the difference between

Reblog, WordPress-it ( Pin-it) or Reschedule?


Rule:    you can only reblog a blog post once to your own site .  The Reblog Button  will change to Reblogged meaning  you cannot reblog that again.

How to Reblog on WordPress?

  1. Click on Reblog Button at the bottom of the blog post
  2. Add your thoughts in the box (optional)
  3. Click the  Reblog Post Button


How a reblogged post looks on your blog?

  1. The original post Reblog button will change to REBLOGGEDreblogged
  2. The  Reblogged post will be published, as below and the post will say view ‘Original  Post nnn Words “







Because you can only reblog once, wordpress allow you to use the WordPress-it option  as many times as you like.

How to WordPress-It

  1. Click on the Worpress button  (the W)
  2. Enter any text in the pop-up box
  3. Click on Publish.


How a WordPress-It post looks on your blog.

When the post is published it will look similar to below.  In this example I have not put any text to accompany this WordPress-IT option..    You will notice the post say ” Source:” rather than “View the Original”



Rescheduling Posts.

ONLY the owner of the post can reschedule.   The post has to have been already published so that you can reschedule it.

How to Reschedule

  1. Go to the post you want to reschedule
  2. Click on Edit
  3. Go to calendar icon next to Update and click on it
  4. Change the either the date or time on the post and click update or schedule.  A warning will appear (as per screenshot below)
  5. Click on schedule/update
  6. It has been rescheduled.

*********************************************************************************** Warning – please read the pros and cons. As there is a con with rescheduling!!! *************************************************************************************

Reschedule 2.png

How a Rescheduled post looks on your blog.

It will look exactly the same as a fresh post, but all the likes and comments will be carried forward that were already on the post.


Pro and Cons of the different methods of Republishing a Post.


  1. You can share a fellow bloggers post with Reblog and WordPress-it
  2. You can share your old post with all 3 methods.
  3. WordPress-it  can be done endlessly, there are no limits.
  4. You could reschedule endlessely too  ** there is a con**.
  5. Rescheduling on the same day:  If you reschedule on the SAME Day as you publish the post then the social media links remain in place, because the date has not changed.  When you reschedule this way the post appears on the reader again, but an email is not triggered.  *This is a neat trick in getting your post more views in different time zones.  My good friend Deb at OnceUponAHotFlush gave me this idea.
  6. Reblog and WordPress-it :  Provide a link to the original post.  The orginal post stay in the  the hierarchial order in your blog where it was orginally published, that is the date and time and in the order for that month.
  7. Any automatic shares to facebook and twitter will be triggered as part of all these options.


  1. Reblog and WordPress-it :  Provide a link to the original post.  Readers may not  read the orginial post  and just like this current post.
  2. You can only reblog once.    ** Don’t ask me why, it is a wordpress thing***
  3. Rescheduling on a new dateIf you reschedule a post that is a day old, or a month old, any social media links that are linked to the original published date of this post,  will stop working.  This is because you are changing the date and time of the original post.   BUT,  there is a Pro to this see above, it is a neat trick.


The point of this blog post, is to simply share what I have learnt with the blogging community. ** Note I am not and expert and I am sure WordPress-it is the wrong terminology.

As bloggers we all know how much hard work blogging is.  We know that when we started we didn’t have the same audience as  we have today.  So,  republishing a post is a neat way of getting more views on an  old post that hasn’t had much love.  Also, republishing is great when we are a stuck to write something.

Blogging is hard and each post is a labour of love -why not reshare it!  Finally, sharing others bloggers work on your blog, is away of growing the blogger community and it inspires us all.

God knows if you found this post useful and if it made sense.

I know my title is not SEO friendly, but I don’t know how else to word it.  So SEO I don’t care cause I just want to share with my blogging friends.

If anything is wrong,  please comment in the comments below and share your knowledge with all

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you liked this and I REALLY welcome your feedback in the comments below.

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Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

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