

Resilience – the art of bouncing back after being hit

The art of preservering, even when I am broken inside.

The resolve to carry on the right path, even though it seems everyone is against me.

The royalty to be beautiful and graceful under pressure.

To have ample self respect, to keep on going against the odds, because I know I am doing the right thing.  That the divine is with me.

The Enthusiasm to smile even after being emotionally slapped in the face.   The enthusiasm to carry on after 20 years of mind games, where you are the innocent party , but are made to be the villain.

The Stability to ride the rough times, with serenity and strength and respect.

The integrity to keep on doing the right thing.  The insight to change course but stay with integrity and respect.   The insight to see pain coming and make oneself resilient to not lose myself.

To be Non-Violent to myself and others in the face of hard times. To be royal , respectful, and graceful.  To be walking with the Divine knowing he will take care of me, even if the road of pain is long.  For he will equip me with the grace, wisdom, and the skill to let it all go and not impact me emotionally.

To be confident,  courageous and cheerful in the face of all the challenges.

To be Empowered with self awareness, the company of the Divine, the knowledge I am good,  and I am capable.    I am resilient, I can bounce back.   For I will never let go of what is the truth and right thing to do – no matter the opposition.

To Conclude:

Resilience – Granted is not easy.    But,  It is a needed skill in today’s life.    It become increasingly hard to be resilient when we are bombard every single day.  We live in a world, unfortunately where we will be tested, cheated, and treated badly.   We will be made to be the villian but  we arent.   It is a fact some people are not so great.   But, what other think or do – doesn’t make me bad.    I just have to be resilient and I should NEVER think ill of another no matter how justified I feel – I create a karmic account.   What can we do to make ourself more resilient?

When I understand my strengths and weakness, and I work on myself, I gain self respect.  When I am grateful for all in my life.  When I practice affirmations and I journal.

When I learn to accept the way life is and that some people wont change and it is I who has to change.  When I believe there  is good in everything that happens.

When I take time to meditate and withdraw inside myself daily,  I make myself powerful and resilient.

When I walk with the Divine,  when I practice self love with affirmations daily and gratitude daily then I can bounce back.

When I accept some cold hard facts about others.

When I read and surround myself with positive thoughts.

When I keep myself motivated about doing the right thing.

When I always practice these points daily, when I practice a positive thought daily and meditate daily – I will build power in myself and resilience.

We are powerful and we are capable.   But,  we have to build the resilience muscle daily.  It needs to be with us everyday – because when you are down and out, there is no way you can build resilience then.

Our thoughts make us happy or sad,  weak, lazy, scared.    We control our thoughts, we are the master of our thoughts !

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Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

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