Success – We can all be successful

How do we measure success?  Well, success to you will be different to me!  I can not compare myself to another, firstly because we are all unique, and success is different for all.     No one is better than the another. We are all unique and we are all successful in our own right.

The thing is, do we want to be successful?  Do we want to be successful, but can’t be bothered to put the effort in ?  Well, then – what can one say – as you sow , so shall you reap.   If you are not making any effort then you can’t expect success in anything.

We are all talented and skilled.  I believe the winning formulae for me at least is.  The points below are in no particular order (I kinda got carried away):

  1. Have a dream, Have a vision, Have it clear, Crystal clear in your mind
  2. Do the research, the study, the hard work, the home work, the baby steps towards the dream
  3. Use the Law of Attraction, Affirm your vision every day or every week.
  4. Pick yourself up when you fall down and keep on trying
  5. Make a plan, goals, aims ,  and attack it with baby steps.
  6. Your vision is a plan, a project, to be divided and conquered.  No project can be done in one go, you have to divide it up.  You have go step by step.  So understand the step you need to take.  Now, here it is important to know your strengths and weakness.  Where you have to gain more experience, where you need to kick yourself up the back side and get into action…  Be your best friend – or be your own enemy in your path to success
  7. Coach yourself. Be your own coach, and give yourself a pep talk.
  8. Have a clear vision and make it happen.  Remind yourself always of this vision. Just keep going.
  9. Hard work is the key. Tenacity, Follow through, and more hard work.
  10. Get motivated and go for it.
  11. Be your mentor, coach and guide
  12. Quietly plod through until you achieve your goal.
  13. Once you achieved your goal – don’t get stuck.  Way, before you achieve success on project A, you need to start on project B – so success is always coming .    Also,  to rest on your hard work will become rather boring.  Unless, you have a major life changing event which may temporarily derail you, you need to keep on keeping on.
  14. Work hard, Tenacity, Follow Through, Self Belief,  Be blind to all comments that put you down – analyses their validity and take action if you need to.  Live your dream -regardless of others -then you will achieve your dream.

Sure there are genius around us and that is fine.  But, to be successful you don’t have to be genius.   Your version of success is yours and not mine.  We are all unique.    To some being an entrepreneur is success, to others becoming a manager at work is important, to other work life balance is success.  Whatever it is, it is your success  and you can make it happen.

Finally, be prepared to re-event yourself ,  be prepared to have several careers in your life time.  Be prepared for the unexpected.   I was 16 and I had a clear vision of my future, and I did it, I achieved success.  But, the 16 year old didn’t plan for a second career or a change in life circumstance.  So, at a cross roads I find myself,  trying to make my vision clear and going for it the best I can.   I am at points 1 & 2.   But,  I know the above works – cause unknowingly  the little 16 year old did this, and she work hard and she did in her first career -which she is still passionate about (and I still want to continue it along side project B).  But, life can shake you up – so have a plan past  Project A / Dream A.  Learn to be flexible and content – and let your character match your age.  Also, learn to completely let go of all dreams and create a brand new dream that fits your life circumstance.  There is power in re-inventing yourself – don’t be scared – you can do it.

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Published by thoughtsnlifeblog

I believe that the thoughts we create impact our life greatly. If we are able to change our thoughts, redirect them, catch our negative thinking.We can change our life. Read my 'About' page to find out more about

48 thoughts on “Success – We can all be successful

  1. I really love the part about baby steps. I think that is the key. Like saving for retirement. Put just a little away today and a little away tomorrow and the next day. These baby steps can add up to substantial amount in 20-30-40 years. You just have to have the discipline to not touch that money until you retire.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Charles, I am so baby steps in all aspects of life. Baby steps means you progress to a massive goal, calmly – Rather than freezing at the enormity of the task. In all the projects /task we do in my line – you have to break it down. I was a slow young one to realise, oh what we do at work can be applied to the rest of our life. Baby steps creates motivation and we don’t get overwhelmed and there is a sense of achievemen towards a bigger goal.

      Glad you enjoyed this. Regards Bella

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post and motivational :). Plan B is a good thing to have. Sometimes we don’t end up where we dreamt of when we were young, but sometimes the road we take makes us reach a point of success we never would have found on plan A, and a more humble and grown individual. I should know, I’ve had lots of downs in my life and life didn’t take me the way I had hoped but now I can see the amazing positives I’m getting from going down this other route and I wouldn’t change it anymore. Never give up on yourself – that I always believe in 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Xena, True, it could be many roads, but they are all part of us. We are unique and the road make us stronger, and when we get that project a ,b c, …z it will be awesome. Everyone’s life is bit upside down. And it is true we don’t get want we dream off. I am the 16 year old, now at a cross road and on my – it is hard. unexpected too many changes in life. But if we see the benefit in everything – honestly to become better. We are all successful it is our own measure of success. No one NO-ONE thought I would amount to anything in my life – I had no Clue of this . I had my dream at 16 and I did it , But NOW – well – what to say. I think youth with no responsibilities makes changing easy. But later on in life – well -… but I am not complaining for there is benefit in everything and i appreciate it all.

      OH i don’t know how , how I had such a clear vision for my life at 16 and it has in around about planned out. But- I forgot to do a plan b…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Some great advice in this post and I agree – always have a Plan B! I try to think something through now using the question: “What’s the worst that can happen?” then I think through that eventuality and come up with my Plan B! x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. When it comes to the unexpected – by nature of the word it is unexpected. So I think and I say from experience, just be flexible, and go with the unexpected – deal with it, make it a project in itself, learn, attack, deal , make it happen and enjoy it. Take it as a opportunity and keep seeing good in it.

      The 16 year old is me and this my cross road, and my unexpected time 2. So from experience, embrace unexpected as an opportunity and learn and grow. It is possible. I think because we go to Raja Yoga Meditation taught by the Brahma Kumaris and they always say – there is benefit in everything and that you can only change yourself. We have meditation and positive character building classes every day – it keeps you above water and even strong.

      Glad you like the post.
      Night Night, Speak soon. Bella

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wendy , thanks. Thanks for saying hang go to the 16 year old. I had lost her a few time along the road of life. But in these two years of unexpected I realised, oh my – what a strong vision I had at 16 and what I achieved. I try to keep the 16 year old. Everyone thought I would achieve nothing in mylife – I had no clue, I only found out a few years ago. I had my dream and I went for it. I aint mega successful – but I did do well.

        okay good nite for sure now. Have a good rest of the week

        Liked by 2 people

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