You Can Meet Your Future.

Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. – Marcus Aurelius. Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it! We must have faith in ourselve, that we can handle it all. Believe you can,ContinueContinue reading “You Can Meet Your Future.”

Quotes on How We Make Our life Happen

Quotes, become powerful when we contemplate upon their deeper meaning and use them to transform our life. This selection of quotes is about taking responsibility for our life and making it happen. Life is no accident, it is a choice, a habit, it is our most dominant thought, feeling action or inaction. Thank you forContinueContinue reading “Quotes on How We Make Our life Happen”

Daily Intention – Honesty

What is an Intention? An intention is a focus in which we live our life, our day, our week or our seconds. Without an intention, we have no clear aim to direct our life with.  We just bounce around experiencing this that and the other. For example, eating out, cinema, other stuff, and then weContinueContinue reading “Daily Intention – Honesty”

Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet of Emotions & Resilience – What Changes are You Going To Make?

There are a few days left to November, we will soon enter December 2017.  I am honestly left with the feeling of where did 2017 go?   I have achieved so much, but I have also been tested so much. As I sit down and check the balance sheet and profit and loss of 2017 inContinueContinue reading “Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet of Emotions & Resilience – What Changes are You Going To Make?”