Thought for today -Introvert, Shy, Confidence!

created by me on Society says if you are an extrovert, confident etc you get places. And yes, we see it is the case. That is because Society has created it that way, made us believe this the only way. REMEMBER 🖋 it is okay to be You.🖋 You are unique🖋 You make progressContinueContinue reading “Thought for today -Introvert, Shy, Confidence!”

Exercise for Beginners

Exercise we all know is good for us. Some of us love it, some of us have the Discipline to do it, some of us hate it. Which ever way we feel about exercise, it is important for:- HealthManagement of many health conditions, like diabetes and even heart issues. But please speak to a DrContinueContinue reading “Exercise for Beginners”

Self Respect

Be seated on your seat of self respect. be stable. be sure. when we are upset we have lost our seat of self respect. So don’t get upset, reset yourself, on your seat of self respect. remind yourself. I am good. I am strong. I am capable. I am valuable. I am great. I amContinueContinue reading “Self Respect”

Becoming You. LIVE to your fullest

Becoming you. Becoming me. Becoming the person you are today. Planting the seeds today to become what you will be tomorrow. From the day we are born, to going to school, to going to work, to….where we are now, we are always becoming.. To happy times, to sad times,  we are becoming. To the hardContinueContinue reading “Becoming You. LIVE to your fullest”