Meditation Commentary – Self Love

Take time to care yourself and your preciousness. Daily meditation creates a sacred place for you to grow, to find yourself, to find inner peace to heal and reveal the beauty in You the Soul, the Spirit. Fill the light of You the Soul Daily and life will become so much easier and you willContinueContinue reading “Meditation Commentary – Self Love”

2020 Podcast 02 – Discipline and Meditation. A Ramble.

Taken from Instagram – when Covid-19 started. Dear Friends, After a long while I have recorded another podcast. It is a bit of ramble on the topic of Discipline and Meditation. In this podcast I share my thoughts and feeling off the cuff, this podcast is unscripted. I also share some thoughts from a bookContinueContinue reading “2020 Podcast 02 – Discipline and Meditation. A Ramble.”

16 Benefits of Meditation

What is all the hype about meditation? Why bother? Are you happy inside? Truly happy inside? Can you be completely alone and happy? Peaceful, and calm? Do you get upset quickly? Do you make bad decision? Do you regret things you have done? Do you ask is this all to life? Meditation and mindfulness areContinueContinue reading “16 Benefits of Meditation”

Inner Peace

Inner peace requires inner work. You can’t have inner peace if you expect the world, situations and other people to dance to your tune. Inner peace needs you to be flexible, accepting and observing of things that you feel are not right. Accepting, in this case doesn’t mean you agree and the bad behaviour isContinueContinue reading “Inner Peace”